From the 1st January 2021, Adobe stopped supporting and providing updates for Adobe Flash Player. Users were advised to uninstall the software and from 12th January, Adobe actively blocked Flash content. The reason for the demise of Adobe Flash player was due to various security concerns and it was becoming less and less relevant as technology has moved on.
So why should I be telling you this when you’re here to find out about the Piano For All course?
Well, one of the great innovations of this course was that, as well as providing the training in the form of 9 comprehensive PDF training books, the PDF’s contained embedded videos. These videos provided a clear demonstration of what was covered in the training books at appropriate points throughout the book.
This worked very well, but with Adobe Flash Player being discontinued, there were implications for the Piano For All course. The videos in the PDF’s could no longer be played. Fortunately Robin Hall had modified the course, replacing the PDF’s with Ebook format books. I’ve downloaded the new Ebook format books to my Ipad and now I can view the course at my piano and play the videos as they appear throughout the books.
The original PDF’s are still available, so you can download these and print them off if you wish to have a hard copy to study.
If you bought the course a while ago you may now be frustrated that you can no longer view the videos. However, you’ll be pleased to know that you can still access the original customer download page and an updated version can be downloaded. If you have lost your details of how to access the download page, simply contact Robin Hall via the product website and he will help you. The link is given below:
It’s great to see that Robin is keeping this course up to date and continuing to to support his customers.
As a result of these changes, I have updated my original review. You can read my full review at the link below:
Piano For All Review